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Ecology, as a science of close relationships and relationships between all living organisms and the environment, is gaining prominence in the globalized world today. One of the trends in the labor market is the demand for professionals in the field of environmental protection. Ecologist and ecomanager are extremely important professions today, and their relevance will only grow in the near future. After all, while ensuring the protection of the environment, the preservation of people's health, and the stability of the economy, it simultaneously opens the prospects of a successful and financially attractive career.

The Department of Environmental Safety and Occupational Health of the National University of Food Technologies prepares future environmental specialists in the following specialties:

  • 101 Ecology, educational program Ecology and eco-management (Bachelors degree, study period 4 years). This is the first level of higher education based on full general secondary education. The program will help to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of ecology, environmental safety and eco-management. Our applicants learn to identify environmental problems of enterprises and develop ways to successfully solve them;

  • 101 Ecology, educational program "Ecology and environmental protection" (master's degree, study period 1.5 years). This is the second level of higher education for graduates of bachelor's programs. The program is aimed at training specialists who can comprehensively solve the most complex environmental problems at the local, regional, national and international levels. The content of the program covers a wide range of knowledge in ecology, scientific research methodology, environmental safety and takes into account modern achievements of science and technology, sustainable development strategies, legal foundations of environmental policy of Ukraine and the EU;

  • 183 "Technologies of environmental protection", educational program "Environmental control and audit" (master's degree, study period 1.5 years). This is the second level of higher education for graduates of bachelor's programs. The educational program is aimed at in-depth study of the features of environmental management, environmental audit, Ukrainian and international environmental protection legislation, provides knowledge on analysis, forecasting and assessment of risks of man-made impact on the environment, the concept of sustainable (balanced) development.

Starting with the foundation of the department in 1974 and to this day, the educational, scientific and methodical activity of the department is related to the solution of environmental protection issues. Under the leadership of the first head of the department, Professor Gennady Oleksiyovych Nikitin, a scientific school of wastewater treatment and waste disposal biotechnology was created, which laid the foundations for effective management of liquid and solid waste at the country's food enterprises.


In 1995, we carried out the first recruitment of future ecologists at the university and one of the first in Ukraine. And already in 2011, we were the first in Ukraine to receive a license to train specialists in the specialty "Environmental control and audit".

The department prepares specialists with deep and thorough knowledge, professionally teaching almost 40 disciplines, including "Ecology and environmental protection", "Management of protected areas", "Biosafety and bioethics", "Management of urban and industrial systems", "Alternative energy", " Environmental legislation and management in environmental protection activities", "Environmental consulting", "Sustainable development strategy", "Environmental policy and technical regulation in the European Union", "Environmental management", "Environmental audit". The discipline programs are oriented towards the European level of higher education and the awareness of our graduates in both Ukrainian and European environmental practices.

Our applicants have the opportunity to undergo high-quality practical training in public and private environmental companies, research institutions, etc. Among them are the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, OJSC Kyivvodokanal JSC, environmental inspections and regional customs, the Central Geophysical Observatory, UTC - Ukrainian Technological Company PrJSC, Khmelnytsky NPP, Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Evolutionary Ecology NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Industrial Ecology and many others. In the future, these institutions become a place of future work and successful career growth for our applicants.

The teachers of the department are specialists in the field of environmental protection, who simultaneously with the educational process are engaged in scientific activities, participate in international conferences and symposia, and publish the results of scientific achievements in leading international and domestic scientific publications.

For our applicants, there is an opportunity to independently choose academic disciplines, starting from the 2nd year. Our department is characterized by friendly and partnership relations between teachers and students.

The department conducts active international cooperation with European educational institutions and scientific institutions. We maintain active scientific and educational ties with universities in the European Union and the United States of America, in particular, Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Lund University (Sweden), University of Leuven (Belgium), Indiana University (USA) and other recognized international education centers and science.

In recent years, the department has been actively involved in the implementation of international projects of the European Union Academic Exchange Program ERASMUS+. In particular, teachers and graduates of the department, in cooperation with colleagues from leading universities of the European Union, implement projects:

  • Jean Monet EcoPro Module "Environmental protection tools, policies and best practices  in the EU" (2016-2019);

  • Jean Monet Department of FoodPro "Sustainable production and consumption of food products in the EU" (2017 - 2020);

  • Jean Monnet Center of Excellence JM ECO "Jean Monnet European Union Center for the Circular and Green Economy"  (2020 - 2023).

Our applicants take part in academic mobility competitions of the Erasmus+ program. As part of these competitions, the winners can study for one semester in the chosen specialty at one of the leading universities of the European Union countries with full funding of the program.

For active participation in international exchange programs and improvement of English language skills, the department has an English Speaking Club, which both teachers and students of the department can attend.

In recent years, three International Conferences "European dimensions of sustainable development" were held on the basis of the department, where the winners of our department had the opportunity to participate together with leading scientists from EU and Ukrainian universities.

 Our winners not only diligently master the future profession of an ecologist and ecomanager, but also actively engage in sports (the national teams of our faculty are multiple prize-winners and winners of football, basketball, and tennis competitions), participate in Freshman Days, Faculty Days , visit interesting places of Kyiv, museums, modern ecological enterprises with curators. There are active Internet communities of our department in the Instagram and Facebook networks (,

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